Jan 2021


Happy Bubble Notes


Relationships!  Depending on where you are in your life with relationships, this mac daddy word can make you cringe, roll your eyes, and say, “Yeah, they all suck!” Yet, on the other hand, if you are in a new relationship, having a ton of sex, you may be skipping through the tulips and high fiving everyone you meet.

When we are born, relationships seem easy breezy. You have someone who loves you without you having to do a darn thing except poop, burp and occasionally smile. Not only do they love you with little in return, but they also feed, dress and diaper you.  We take this first relationship completely for granted, not to mention as we grow and start developing our own loving connections, relationships seemingly get a lot more complicated and apparently require some work on our parts.  YIKES!  Seriously, what about that unconditional love we received from the get-go; where is that? Yeah, that’s not always the case in intimate relationships: or is it?  Can we get some of that and at the same time give it back to our partner?  My relationship-jaded ones are going to say, “Absolutely not, no way, never”, but the answer is actually yes, yes and yes again.  It doesn’t quite happen as easily as our day one here on earth, but the good thing is, if you have the desire to have a soulful relationship and not just have it handed to you and stop thinking the other person needs to do all the work like your Mom did, you too can certainly have a healthy, intimate, thriving relationship.  Change your mindset and change your game! 

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a beautiful wedding at the Breakers in Palm Beach. The venue was amazing, the view, the food, the drinks, the people… yes, you guessed it, AMAZING! The groom looked sharp and debonair, and the bride took everyone’s breath away as she floated (yes, you heard me, floated!) down the rose petal aisle. However, before she drifted and presented herself standing at the back of the aisle, I love to look in the opposing direction and take in the groom’s reaction at these loving events.  I have to say, I can be a bit jaded and untrusting, so I glanced to the groom to regain a sliver of romantic hope. I look for sincerity, authentic eye contact and genuine adoration towards his beauteous bride. Boy oh boy, this boy had all of that and more. There were emotions I have never even seen before! Holy declared love!  He was weeping so profusely at his graceful girl that it made me start sniffling and squashed my whole “too tough to cry” routine.  I couldn’t hold back one of those weepy drops of water that appeared on my face.  UGH!  Kudos to those two cuties, they got me good!  However, it wasn’t this actual moment in the ceremony that took my breath away.  It was such a simple act that they did for one another during the event, that I still talk about it to this day (and apparently write about as well). The bridal and groom squads brought out containers of water. They then tucked away hundreds of fabric and tool to find the brides tootsies and these two young beauties washed each other’s feet! At first, I was thinking, “What the heck are these two pretty peeps doing?” Sure enough, just like Jesus washed his disciple’s feet in John 13:1-17, the blushing bride worked around her layers of Cinderella-ness. Then, he stepped out of his shiny patent leather designer shoes and they demonstrated the most service-oriented, loving, intimate moment I have ever witnessed at a wedding ceremony.  I thought to myself, “These two kids are way ahead of so many others doing this same thing every day!” They understood and demonstrated the love they had, and it was apparent they planned to present in their marriage ahead.  I follow these two love birds on social media and this couple continues to demonstrate this amazing love and really have it going on, not to mention they have reproduced and have three sparkling, adorable little lovelies.

Maybe you are reading this and looking over at your partner, wondering where your Romeo or Juliet has gone. It is easy to get stuck in your relationship wondering where all the wild went, but you can ignite the spark again with some effort. Again, it is not ever going to be like day one. You can’t just poop, burp and smile and think your lovely is going to adore you. You must get off the bench, get up and get in the rekindle game. With this said, I am going to give a shameless plug to Happy Bubble Notes. The Naughty & Nice, Sweet & Spicy adult collection is designed for the relationship game players. It takes you back to easy-breezy ville and allows you to maintain and develop your relationship or will stimulate you and put a match to the embers that glow within both of you.

First and foremost, an intimate relationship is a partnership, and a partnership cannot succeed unless both partners do their part.  Contribute 110% and don’t worry about what your partner needs to do for you.  You just give it your all.  Attend to the other one’s needs, like my two cuties did up above.  You must work on your team and take time to emotionally connect on a regular basis.  All relationships need healthy challenges that allow partners to grow, connect and love together.

Happy Bubble Notes will give you the opportunity to do just that while also building trust and intimacy.  They are tools to support anyone in a new relationship and will also support in learning new sexy, fun skills to connect in long, existing relationships.  These sweet and spicy notes not only will assist in keeping the daily affection alive and make your partner feel valued and cared about, but they may also take you out of your comfort zone and hopefully out of your comfy sweats.  These naughty and nice notes will allow you to plan and learn, to be more spontaneous and, most importantly, have playfulness with one another. 

So, either stay in the game or rekindle your skills and make not giving up your option.  Remember that you are a team, you are together, and you too can boost each other’s smiles, one naughty bubble note at a time.

Have fun!

Author:  Tracy Warnock ~ Happy Bubble Notes



  • 11 Jan 2021 Surabhi Kaushik

    Loved the idea of happy bubble notes!

  • 11 Jan 2021 kathleen hamilton

    Awesome idea!!!

  • 11 Jan 2021 marybeth cobbs

    This blog is such a great help to not only the guys but also the women. Many times we are forced to have all the ideas of how to keep a relationship strong, and that does not always happen. I love all your ideas and these bubble notes will most definitely be a huge help for both the guy and girl in the relationship. I like that you made them for both men and women. Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  • 11 Jan 2021 Jennifer Dornetshuber

    Love these romantic and fun relationship cards!! I am purchasing some for an upcoming wedding I am going to attend. I think it’s a fantastic idea to include these cards along with my gift. Thank you!!

  • 11 Jan 2021 Luke

    Great blog! Looking forward to reading more :)

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